FistFull of Firepower is a Federally Licensed Class III Firearms Dealer.
Federal law requires that the transfer of firearms be made through licensed dealers (FFL).
A non-dealer can ship the firearm, however, a licensed dealer must receive the shipment.
That's where we come in! We will receive your shipment, complete the required paperwork and NICS* check.
Order your gun directly from our web store: Gallery Of Guns
How to buy guns from the internet:
(other than at
1) Order your gun from a respectible internet dealer.
2) Send me an email and provide the seller's contact information. (Fax, email, and phone numbers) I'll then make the arrangements to have your firearm(s) delivered to me.
3) Once your shipment arrives, I'll notify you. We'll arrange a time for pick-up. Paperwork is the same as at any gun store, complete a form 4473 and a mandatory background check. (holders of a current Texas CHL do not require a background check)
4) That's It!...Time to go SHOOTING! Identification and Residency Requirements:
You must be a Texas resident!
Acceptable forms of proof are Texas Drivers license or Texas identification card. Military members stationed here PCS with drivers licenses from other states MUST prove residency by providing a copy of PCS orders assigning you to Texas.
Fee Per Item Transferred: $25.00 |